True Alpha universe Wikia


True Alpha saves the world[]

The villain named Tornado almost destroyed the city with a huge tornado. True Alpha actually stopped the tornado with his Superhuman Speed. The particle of it opened the Singularity. The portals only opened to Earth 1, Earth 40, Earth 616 and the destroyed reality Earth 1610.

Earth 616[]

True Alpha accidentally went to the portal to Earth 616 by running using his Superhuman Speed. He landed to a building in Earth 616 which was the Avengers building. True Alpha ran into Captain Marvel, Spider-Man and others. He and Captain Marvel decided to team up with Spider Man to stop Mephisto and restore his life with Mary Jane Watson. To do so, they have to go back in time to the mid 2000s when Spider Man's Aunt May was in the Hospital and dying. True Alpha told Spider Man if they do this they had to let Aunt May die. Spider Man was infuriated with emotions. Spider Man finally agreed to let Aunt May go to stop Mephisto. Spider Man, Captain Marvel and True Alpha fought Mephisto in The Avengers tower. True Alpha snapped his neck. They went back to 2014. True Alpha saw Spider Man and Mary Jane together and it was wonderful.

Earth 1610[]

After the victorious battle, True Alpha wanted to celebrate with Avengers and X Men. Peter thanked David for restoring his timeline. Peter and David became good friends. David explained to Mary Jane about the event with Mephisto. Mary Jane was really grateful that Mephisto is dead now.

A portal was coming through, A monstrous figure was coming through the portal. Both David and Carol were fighting the monster figure and they went to Earth 1610. They landed to an unknown location and then they figured out it was New York City. They ran into some foes and also some look alike. During the Incursion. True Alpha had to save everyone from this earth other realities. He had to be approximately 1000% and he never gotten that fast before. He made it and also he put Miles Morales in Earth 616 and Carol Danvers in Earth 1.

Back to Earth 1[]
